The Dispute Solutions Hub

Bunmi Oni, MON

Member of the Order of the Niger, MON

Bunmi Oni had a 29-year career in a multinational corporate organization, during which he held various executive and leadership roles across many functions including Supply Chain, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing and Corporate Planning. He was CEO for the last eleven of those 29 years.

He also held key leadership roles in the wider business community, and in 2005, he was voted Nigeria’s Most Respected CEO in a nation-wide survey by PwC.

A strong proponent of public-private sector partnership, he was for four years Chairman of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group Ltd Gte, a private sector think-tank committed to policy advocacy, economic research and education, where he led various initiatives that helped facilitate the economic reform process in Nigeria.

Within the professional and NGO circles, he was at various times:

  • President, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria;
  • President Business Club, Ikeja;
  • President Food Beverage and Tobacco Employers’ Association; and
  • Council Chairman, Association of Evangelicals in Africa, among others

He is Fellow of many professional bodies, including:

  • The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria;
  • Nigerian Institute of Management;
  • Institute of Directors;
  • Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology; and
  • Honorary Paul Harris Fellow.

Bunmi also served as Chairman of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council, as well as the Steering Committee on Competition and Anti-trust Reform, which produced the first draft anti-trust legislation for Nigeria.  He has also been a Member of UNESCO International Advisory Board for the Reform of Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Nigeria, the Private Sector Advisory Group of the Pan African Consultative Forum on Corporate Governance and, for eight years, the Governing Council of Redeemer’s University, Mowe.

He is an internationally accredited Mediator.  

He is also a part-time Faculty member of the University of Lagos Business School, where he teaches Data Analytics for Business Decisions

Bunmi has been a regular speaker at national and international forums, such as UNIDO, Harvard Business School African Business Group, the Pan African Corporate Governance Forum, and the World Bank.

He was awarded the Nigerian National Honour of Member of the Order of the Niger, MON, in September 2001.

See Other Members of the TDSH Team

Emmanuel Dike

LL.B (Hons.), LL.M

Yinka Kolade


Adeyemi (‘Yemi) A. Akisanya

Esq.,LL.B (Hons.), LL.M (Lond.)