What We Do
Learn more about the services we offer from Negotiations all the way through to Cross-Border Mediation

Mediation and Mediation Advocacy
We believe that the Mediation process provides parties the best opportunity of resolving conflicts and disputes, privately and confidentially, while effectively representing their collective interests, yet with the minimum disruption of or distraction from business operations.
People with problems, like people with pains, want relief, and they want it as quickly and inexpensively, as possible” – per US Chief Justice (as he then was) Warren Burger – (1977 22 Judges Journal 49).
We aim to maximize this benefit in our style of Mediation, which does the best possible to preserve the organization’s public image and relations.
We encourage an out of the box approach and the aim always to achieve transformative solutions to disputes and conflicts. We take a proactive approach to conflict management. For us, Mediation is a Strategic Tool for Effective Bottomline Engineering. Invite us to discuss this further with you. It will be a call well made.

Cross-Border Mediation
TDSH is positioned to adapt to the present reality of the world, as “a global village”. Our Dispute Solutions team is made up of fully qualified mediators and ADR practitioners, with internationally recognized accreditation and experience to handle Disputes and Conflicts between organisations or individuals based in different countries. They have among them many years of experience in facilitating the resolution of cross–border disputes and conflicts through mediation, med-arbitration, and even arbitration. Moreover, they have the necessary specialist experience and qualifications to deal with the often-complex issues, which result from multiple jurisdictions; whether within the African continent, or throughout the world at large, and are well versed in the processes of ensuring recognition and enforcement at optimal cost.
All this is supported by robust and highly efficient facilities for conducting Online Dispute Resolution, in the light of current realities.

Where circumstances require, our mediators will arrange to meet with both separately and together and try to resolve their differences, working proactively with them to develop and even, if desired by the parties, suggest options for settling their dispute or conflict. This process, known as Conciliation, is most helpful where the situation calls for working hard to lower tensions, improve communications, interprete issues.
Our empathetic conciliators will work patiently with you to explore potential solutions and assist you and the other party to find a mutually acceptable outcome, without robbing you of your prerogative to own your settlement. The focus in this process is the restoration or reparation of relationships, either personal or business. TDSH is committed to Non-Violent Communication as a standard and norm. We are peace makers, promoting transformative solutions, always.

Negotiations & Conflict Coaching
Every transaction – and the underlying simple or complex relationship – is driven by needs and interests. Disputes do not occur when agreements are breached but when there is a conflict between parties’ respective interests and needs.
Right negotiation skills and expertise effectively address those needs and interests. In so doing, it contributes significantly to business success by building relationships that deliver lasting, quality solutions. TDSH experts are skilled in such negotiations and can assist your management and staff to achieve same.
TDSH also offers Conflict Coaching and will work with HR and other such departments to help staff develop the relevant skills and strategies to engage in, manage, or productively resolve conflicts before they escalate into bigger matters. Our Conflict Coaches will work one-on-one with a coachee experiencing conflict with another person, or even management, within the organization. Call to find out more of this offering.

Many of our mediators and ADR practitioners are dually qualified and accredited in both mediation and arbitration. It is easy and convenient for the same person, at any time to start as mediator and later act as arbitrator. In those cases, where parties may want the mediator to mediate only up to a point and then go on to make a decision, our people are eminently qualified to give you the best of both worlds.
In complex matters, we will use more than one mediator. However, we do our best to avoid this, the influence largely being the drive to keep costs down. We pride ourselves on flexibility and optimum versatility. Driving motive is to provide transformative solutions through creative thinking to ensure satisfied, reconciled parties.

Post-Mediation Services
TDSH provides a comprehensive support service that ensures that Parties enjoy the benefits of their mediation settlement. We will ensure that all required actions and other steps are taken under relevant laws, regulations, and processes for enforcement of mediation settlement agreements. TDSH will also work with parties to ensure that all necessary corporate actions – Board and other meetings, statutory/regulatory filings, etc. – are done are carried out efficiently and timeously.
The DSHub will also organize and provide Interdisciplinary trainings, teachings, research, publications, seminars, webinars, workshops, conferences, and colloquia; Negotiation and conflict/dispute resolution workshops for companies, organizations, and groups, helping them to build capacity to collaborate and find mutually beneficial solutions to conflicts and disputes through mediation and negotiation services, training, and consultancy.
TDSH will be a forum for research, development, dissemination and exchange of thoughts, ideas, trends, learnings, expertise and knowledge in Mediation and other consensual methods of dispute and conflict resolution.
Other Services
The Hub will also offer and provide bespoke Training, Consultancy and other services, tailor made specifically for companies and other commercial organizations and enterprises, as well as governmental institutions.
These will include Mediation of the workplace and employment (Unionized and non-Unionized) disputes that inevitably result from mergers, acquisitions, and other Management, Organizational, and Transformational Changes; Host Community Disputes and Relations; Development of Conflict Resolution Policy, including a Litigation Docket Reduction Strategy; Dispute Resolution Audits; and Provision of Internal Mediation Services.